Remodeling Tips

Remodeling a home can be an exciting project, but if you’re not prepared, it can quickly become a headache or even a nightmare. Remodeling a dated home can significantly increase the value of your home if done correctly. Here are a few tips so you can get it done right the first time.

  1. homeremodeling2Have a plan. I know it seems basic, but having a great plan of how you want the project to go and what to do if things go wrong can really save you heartache down the road. The plan should include not just drawings of what you want the finished project to look like, but also contingencies and a slush fund for project overages. This can also mean buying items early at a discount if you can find them online or locally.
  2. Find a great company to help you do the remodel. Make sure to research them in the Better Business Bureau. Check for reviews online. Ask for references and call them to see if they had a good experience. Did their project come in on time and on budget. Make sure you can get along well with them and that you trust them. Assure that you can get in contact with them if you have a problem. Ask if you can tour a current jobsite so you can see what you might be able to expect.
  3. Be sure that you are a good customer for your remodeler. This means cutting checks on time as well as being pleasant, calm, honest, and appreciative. The better you get along with the remodeling team, the better job they will want to do for you. Expectations for both sides should be written up in a detailed contract so you and the remodeler have a clear understanding.
  4. homeremodeling3Manage your expectations, especially if you are living in your home during construction. Living in a construction zone can be really stressful so try not to take it out on the team doing the work. Dust and debris can make even the most patient home owner get on edge. If you need to, set up a temporary kitchen or stay with relatives or in a hotel during the worst of the demolition phase. Also, pack away any valuables and protect furnishings so there is no chance of accidental damage.
  5. Be a good communicator. Nobody can read your mind so be sure you are heard correctly. There’s nothing worse than a miscommunication that costs time and money. This also means that when your project is complete you thank your team and leave them appropriate reviews.

No matter if you are fixing up your home to make it better for you, or make it a more attractive property to sell, these tips should help you make the most of your remodel experience.